Bear CMS highlights (November 2019)

December 1, 2019
Bear CMS highlights (November 2019)
We say goodbye to November and turn our attention to the last month of the year. But before jumping into the holiday season we would like to highlight the most interesting things around Bear CMS in the last 30 days.

Just 2 weeks ago we added support for websites with multiple languages. Now you can easily add second (or third, fourth, etc.) language to your website and adapt the header, the main navigation and the footer to match. You will be able to add independent elements in these content zones.

The Universal theme now has 3 new styles, that are specifically made for mobile content. Mobile browsing is the majority these days and we would like to point your attention to this aspect of your website.

The Audits tool now reports pages with short titles (less than 50 characters). Google (as the most popular search engine) automatically optimizes such titles in the search results, but we think you can do this better.

The forum posts pages now have automatically generated meta description tags. That good when they are listed in the search results and you will not see warnings about this in the audits tools.

We've also made improvements to the browsing performance of your websites. Website speed has a big impact on the user experience and we take this very responsibly. But there are cases when the content or the theme customizations can have a negative impact on the website speed. There is a tool called PageSpeed Insights (run by Google) that can give you some useful information and speed improvement ideas.

