Multi-language support is added

November 16, 2019
Multi-language support is added
There are more than 100 different languages used actively today. English, Chinese, and Spanish are some of the most popular and many people use them as the primary language to communicate online with their audiences. While a single language website is perfect for some people, many need a multi-language website to help them expand their client portfolio.

We are happy to announce that you can now easily create a website with multiple languages. You can add additional languages from the newly redesigned settings window.

Here is what will happen when you add a second language to your website (Spanish for example):

1. A new page will be automatically created. Its address will be and the content will be editable the same way as the other pages. All subpages are expected to contain only Spanish content.

2. The content zones that are visible on every page (main navigation, footer, etc.) will take into account different languages and provide adding different content.

3. A new language option will appear in the blog posts settings window. Another RSS feed will be created too.

Theme One (the default Bear CMS theme) now has a button to switch between the added languages. If you are using another theme (Universal, Focus, etc.) you can add links (using content elements) to enable language switching.

The new feature requires Bear CMS Pro and is being pushed to websites running the standalone package. It's available for others to download too.

