Bear CMS highlights (March 2020)

April 1, 2020
Bear CMS highlights (March 2020)
The last month brought so much change globally, it will be remembered for a long time. Thankfully we have the Internet to help us stay informed and connected. New opportunities may arise too. Now might be the time for a new start. We hope you make the best out of this situation.

And now, let's keep the tradition alive and take a look at the most interesting things around Bear CMS in the last 31 days.

Just a few days ago we've published a brand new theme. It's called Mini and it's made specifically for the mobile-first world we are living in. Give it a try by installing the addon for free.

The article Focus on the mobile experience gives you some ideas on how to improve your users' experience. Check it out.

The visitors' stats addon now provides information about the countries and the device types of your audience.

Your website got a bit faster thanks to the optimizations we've made. They are visible the most on websites with a lot of pages.

The main navigation of you website is completely rewritten and now works even better. No more hard to reach big menus.

We hope you like this month's major updates. Reach us if you want to discuss your ideas for future improvements.

