Separator - that's the brand new element

October 23, 2019
Separator - that's the brand new element
You're already familiar with the rich elements collection Bear CMS provides, that you can use to build the content of your pages. The elements Heading, Text, Image and Image gallery are one of the most popular, and the elements Columns and Floating content help achieve a clearer presentation.

The Separator element, that we launch today also can help the logical structure of the page, especially if there are content groups that are not related. A good example is a list of different products and services.

The new element has three different sizes (large, medium and small) that can be styled from the theme options (if supported).

We'd be glad to read your comments about this new feature and see the places where you've used it.

An update containing the new element is being pushed to websites running the standalone package, and available for others to download too. Learn more about different Bear CMS client packages here.

