
From the "Visitors" button located in the management menu of your website, you can view and analyze the visits to your website.
A window will open with a graph with summary information for the past 30 days. Move the mouse over each bar to see the number of pages visited for the corresponding day.
Information about recently visited pages, most popular pages, etc. is also available.

Terms used

Familiarize yourself with the terms used:
Visit (pageview)
One visit is counted for each page open on your website. If Mark visits your home page today, then goes to the Products page and then the Contact page, that's a total of 3 visits. If Anna opens the Products page today, that counts as one visit. In the total number of visits per day graph, you will see the number 4 (if there are no other visits).
Traffic source
Some of your visitors enter your website by typing its address into the address bar of their browser. These types of visits are called "direct visits". Others find your website from search engines, social networks, sent emails, etc. For each such visit, you receive information about the traffic source. These can be, for example,,, etc.
When linking to your site on other sites, you can add ?-vssource=SOURCE_NAME to the address to track traffic sources even more precisely.
Langing page
When a visitor is directed to your website from another website (traffic source), they open a page that is called a "landing page". Any subsequent page that this visitor opens on your website does not count as such a page.
If you often write posts and share them on social networks, you can expect that the pages that will welcome visitors are precisely these posts. If you write your website address on your business cards, you can expect that the page that will welcome your visitors is the home page.
The information available is for the past 90 days. Your visits (as the owner of the website) when you are logged in are not counted. Visits by search engines when they index your website are also not counted. The collected information does not contain personal data of the visitors (data that could identify them).