General information

Settings here:
This text is visible at the top of the website (its a link to the home page). From the theme settings, you can change its appearance or hide it. It is also visible in the browser's title bar when the home page is open, unless a value is specified in its SEO settings.
Short description
This text is visible at the top of the website (header) if the selected design supports it. It is also used in the description meta tag of the home page, unless a value is specified in its SEO settings.
Page title format
The title of each page is visible in the browser bar and in search engines (Google, Bing, etc.). If you have not specified a title in the SEO settings of the page itself, the name of the page will be displayed in these places (ie, it will be used as the title).
With the format setting, you can add additional text to the automatically generated titles. It is a good practice to add the name of your site, as this will be useful for both visitors and search engines.
Example 1:
If you type "Company Ltd" in the format field and create a page named "Services", its title will automatically become "Services | Company Ltd".
Example 2:
If you type "Company Ltd: {title}" in the format field and create a page named "Services", its title will automatically become "Company Ltd: Services".
The title format applies to any page that does not have a title specified in its SEO settings. Does not apply to the home page.
With the Auditing tool you can see the titles of all your pages.