
Most often, the "Link" element serves to add Internet links to pages on other websites or pages on your website.
The options here are:
Page address (URL)
Here you need to fill in the address to open when clicked. See below for the different options.
This is the text that will appear in the link. You can leave it blank if you want to add an icon through the individual style options of this element.
This is the text that will be visible when the mouse hovers over the link.

Types of addresses

Let's look at the different values ​​you can put in as an address:
Link to page
All you need is the address of the page you want to open, it must start with "http://" or "https://"
Phone call
If the visitor has opened your site through a mobile device, they can dial a phone number with one click. In the address field, fill in "tel:+44xxxxxxxxx" (in place of xxxxxxxx, fill in your phone number).
Phone call via Viber
If the visitor has opened your site through a mobile device, they can open your Viber profile and dial with one click. In the address field, fill in "viber://chat?number=44xxxxxxxx" (in place of xxxxxxxx, fill in your phone number).
Send email
To open the visitor's email client, make a link with the address "" (in place of, fill in your email address). This way you can make it easier for him to send a letter to you.