Your orders

After you have added a subscription plan, domain registration or another service offered by Bear CMS to your shopping cart, press the orange button (top right) to complete your order. Here are the steps you need to go through:

1. Billing information
This will be requested only once. Please provide the information needed.

2. Customize the selected services
Select the period for which you want to activate a given plan, the period for which you want to register a selected domain, etc.

3. Review the order
At this step, you can double check the services you are ordering and the final price.

4. Payment
This is the last step. Here you will see the payment methods information.

As soon as we receive your payment, we will activate the services you ordered and start the registration of your selected domains.

Payment methods

Once you've created an order, you can pay for it in one of the following ways:

At the last step of creating your order, you can pay directly with PayPal. You will see a button that will take you to to pay.

Expect more soon.

Order status and invoice

From your dashboard you can access the list of your paid or pending orders. From here you can:
1. View the payment details of your order.
2. Download an invoice for an already paid order for which you have filled in invoice data (issued within 5 days after payment is received).
3. Cancel an order.