Universal - a new client package for Bear CMS

September 29, 2019
We are happy to announce a brand new way to use Bear CMS's tools for your website. Let's first talk about the current options, so there is a better understanding of the differences.

The Standalone package provides an easy way to create a website using Bear CMS. You just need to upload the installer on your server and run it. A default theme is provided that can be customized or changed and a rich addons library is available. Automatic updates are enabled too. It's recommended when building client websites.

The Bear Framework addon is the package you can use when your website is based on Bear Framework. It's recommended for developers and the addons are added using Composer.

And now ...

The Universal package provides an easy way to integrate Bear CMS into any website. It's perfect if you have an HTML template and want to make some parts editable by the administrators. All you have to do is add a couple of lines of PHP code and mark the content elements that can be modified.

The new package can be installed through Composer or downloaded as a ZIP or PHAR. More details are available in the GitHub repository.

