New addon: Asset optimizer

August 29, 2019
New addon: Asset optimizer
Great news - a new addon! It's available for free for Bear CMS Pro websites and automatically optimizes the image resources when requested. This can significantly improve load times and user experience.

Addon description:
Images are usually the biggest resource your website needs and with this addon, you can optimize them and make them load faster. The image quality is automatically selected and all metadata is stripped, decreasing significantly the download size and improving website loading times. When optimizing an image, a copy of the original file is securely sent to a service managed by the Bear CMS team. It's stored only while optimizations are running and then deleted. The service is available for free (for Bear CMS Pro) and provides 500MB of image optimizations each month.

You can install Asset optimizer for free (Bear CMS Pro required) from your website's administrators menu.

